Read the reviews of Leszek Możdżer’s concerts which took place during the Spoleto Jazz Festival in the USA.
Charleston City Paper– LeszekMożdżer’s intense set delivered more than simple clang and clatter
Tall, gangly, bespectacled, and beaming, Leszek Możdżer strolled onto the small stage at the Simons Center’s Recital Hall on Sunday afternoon for the first of seven concerts as part of Spoleto’s Wachovia Jazz Series. The virtuosic Polish pianist has the training to conjure melodic themes from classical works with grace and precision. He also has an adventurous spirit, instantly deconstructing and reworking such themes into something entirely new. As a solo performer, his game is all about innovation on the spot.
The Post and Courier – Możdżer interpretations lush
For a solo performance at a small venue, there was a lot of anticipation. The Simons Fine Arts Center Recital Hall was sold out Sunday afternoon for the opening of a series of performances by Leszek Możdżer, a highly acclaimed Polish pianist.